Sunday, October 5, 2008

Annual Yard Sale

I love shopping at yard sales. But more importantly, I love having a yard sale. Sure, it's a lot of hard work, and most times the monetary payoff is not what you put into it; but there's just something wonderful about getting rid of stuff you don't want anymore and seeing someone else be able to put it to good use.

Here is what Lesli's front porch looked like. We had clothes hung up the entire length of her front porch and half-way down the other side. You will also notice two large tables sitting in the yard with clothes piled high on them. We had another table of treasures in the yard and miscellaneous stuff displayed on every surface imaginable. It was quite the production.

Jesse, Hunter, and Harley had a great time playing dress-up. They all took turns being batman.

They also made lots of beautiful music with the drum set. Too bad we sold it at the end of the day! Sorry, there are just some things you wonder why you ever bought. All in all, we had a great week. The weather was beautiful, we met lots of interesting people, and best of all, we got our houses uncluttered. (Well, I actually just made room for more thrift store treasures and finds, but don't tell Kieth, I'll just have more stuff to sell at next year's yard sale)

1 comment:

GinaStockfisch said...


Girl, my goodness, I can't believe all those clothes. I hope you sold a lot of them. I love yard sales too, and I also am loving your blogs. I check for updates often. :)

Gina Stockfisch