Friday, July 31, 2009

Somewhere in the middle of Happily Everafter.....

**Disclaimer** So, I started writing this blog entry exactly one month ago. But then, I started looking through pictures to go with it, and that turned into a long walk down memory lane, and then I got busy, and then I procrastinated, and then I got overwhelmed, and then I finally decided to sit down and finish the entry. So here it is.

Today, Kieth and I celebrate our anniversary. Sixteen years ago on that sweltering day in July, many people thought we would never make it. People were crying, but somehow, I don't think they were tears of joy. Perhaps worry; definitely not joy. I was too young......he was too old, we didn't have jobs, we didn't have a place to live, we had very few possessions, and we didn't have a plan. Just about every card was stacked against us. However, the one thing that we did have was undeniable, unconditional, and unending love for one another. So, we found a house, we got jobs, we gathered possessions, we outlined our goals, and we started a life together.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we have lived a fairy tale all these years. In fact, quite the opposite. We have had many obstacles and bumps in the road on our journey. I'm pretty sure at some point throughout the years he hasn't liked me very much, and I certainly have not liked him at times. But through the years we have learned some very important truths that have sustained us and have brought us to the place where we are at today.

Foremost we love our children unconditionally and we believe that raising them in a loving, happy, secure home with both of their parents is the greatest gift we can give them. We are also learning to put each other first. When his desires come before mine and mine come before his, then someone is always first, and it works. We have learned to love each other even when we are being unlovable and to give respect even when we are not acting respectable. Choosing to love and respect, even when it is difficult, creates a deep and fulfilling joy in our marriage that can come from no other place. And because we are imperfect, we strive daily to strengthen our commitment and remember what truly matters most.

I have a picture in my mind of Kieth and I when we are older. We will be that little old grandma and grandpa rocking on the front porch, holding hands, sipping lemonade laced with fiber-lax, reflecting on our journey with joy and contentment. We will turn to each other fifty years from now and lovingly smile through our dentures and say "now which one of us has a doctor's appointment today"?

I love you Kieth, and I happily look forward to growing old with you and tackling whatever life throws our way. Happy Anniversary.

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