Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Boys

So much has been happening lately that I have really neglected my blog. Here it is the middle of May, school is almost out for the summer, and I am really not prepared, mentally or physically. I wanted to post a few pictures of our March and April birthday boys before their next birthday rolls around.

Jordan's Birthday at the park.

We had donuts instead of cake.

Ten squiggley candles.

It was cold that day, so Jordan was not too excited about the snorkel.
He will be happy he has it on our first lake trip though......if it's not lost.
Everyone enjoying the donuts.

We went to Silver Dollar City the day after Jordan's birthday also.
The first thing we did was take the cave tour. The kids absolutely
loved it; especially Hunter. Here are some pictures of us inside the

Here are some pictures of Hunter's birthday. Hunter made sure EVERYONE he saw that day knew that it was his birthday. Kieth and I asked him where he wanted to eat for lunch and he very enthusiastically shouted Chili's. Not only did he want to eat there, he also wanted a steak. The kids menu does not have steak so we had to order a man size plate for him. He is an awesome eater and he ate nearly every bite. The waiter said he could have a free sundae, but when the meal was over, he brought out a huge molten lava cake instead. Hunter's cuteness is hard to resist. Here he is enjoying his meal. I will let the pictures do the talking.

When the boys got home from school, we had a little celebration. Hunter loved his Cars cake, but yet again, I could not find the candles, so we used tealites. Hunter wanted a pet bird so bad that he cried about it for days. I do not like inside birds. I think they are nasty at times. So Lesli told me they had a new line of FUR REAL pets at Wal-mart. I happened to find a baby parakeet that needs fed with a bottle and chirps and moves. Holy Cow! What a life-saver. Hunter also got a new bike, but I guess I didn't take a picture. He is holding his plate up for it. Hunter still wants it to be his birthday. He had more like a birth-month instead of just a day. Actually, I think we may still be celebrating his birthday in the middle of May. He just won't let it go.

So that's the first two birthdays of the year. The next two come in July and August. I just don't know how the boys keep getting older and older and I look younger and younger.......yeah right.
Until next time.

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