After we got our tent set up and the fire started, Kieth decides to organize a football game with the kids, because after all, he is the biggest kid of them all. Everything is going great until Kieth tries to intercept a pass and inadvertently introduces his shoulder to the rock hard ground at full force.

He knew right away that he was hurt. He started getting nauseous and turning pale and green all at the same time. I was so upset that I couldn't even remember where we were. (Mostly I was upset that he was ruining my campout, but I've since apologized) Then I realized that we were a long way away from any kind of civilization. A couple of people offered to take him to the E.R., but he really wanted me to take him. So we left the kids with Wendy and Chad and headed off to the hospital.

Our E.R. experience was like most, I'm sure. There was no one in the waiting room but us at 7:00 on a Friday night and it still took 4 hours. The doctor came in and took one look at his shoulder and immediately said he had an Acromio-Clavicular Separation. She gave him a sling and told him that these injuries heal over time and to go see his family doctor in two weeks.
He is laughing here and I think the pain meds had already kicked in because there was an anatomically correct picture on the wall that he found hilarious. So after we went to Walgreen's and filled a pain med prescription, we went back to the campout. I was determined to have my hot cocoa by the fire, so at 11:00 at night I heated up water and made cocoa for everyone that had waited up for us. We finally went to bed in the tent around midnight. I did not have a sleeping bag, so Kieth and I tried to sleep in the same one. It would have been fine had he not gotten injured, but he had to sleep on his back and couldn't move or snuggle. So needless to say, by 3 am we had enough. It was uncomfortable and we were freezing. So we got Hunter and went to the van to sleep for the rest of the night. We woke up the next morning and had breakfast and took the kids on a nature trail. Then we broke camp and headed home. In my next post titled "The Surgery" I will tell you the rest of the story.
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