Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Riley

Today is Riley's 13th Birthday. It seems like only yesterday that we brought that precious bundle of joy home with us. When I found out that I was pregnant with Riley, I just knew that I was having a girl. I already had Dakota, so I thought that having a girl next was just how things went. I didn't have an ultrasound to tell me the sex of the baby, so I went through the entire pregnancy referring to the baby as "she" and "her". Physically I had an easy pregnancy with Riley, however, it was my emotions that were painfully out of control. I just couldn't figure out how in the world I could ever love another baby as much as I loved Dakota. Dakota was my life and I was so afraid that I would not love this new baby as much as I loved him. I wondered if my heart could love that much, and I worried that I did not have enough love to give to another child.

I had the perfect delivery with Riley. I was the only one on the entire Labor and Delivery floor that night, so I had lots of attention from everyone. The epidural was heavenly, my doctor was a saint, and before long, I had this perfect, beautiful, dark-headed, pouty-lipped, angel. Kieth will tell you that when the doctor said "it's a boy" I had a look of puzzlement on my face. Afterall, I was expecting a girl. But that lasted for about as long as it took the nurse to lay Riley on my chest and I saw him for the first time. All the months of worry and stress about loving another child were forgotten and my heart completely melted. I loved this baby more than life itself and I was so happy that I got to be his mother. Riley was the best baby anyone could ask for. He never cried, which was such a blessing.

Riley is the most compassionate child I have ever known. He cares about others and their feelings and is always concerned when someone is hurting. He has always loved animals and when he was younger, I would find him sneaking the dog or cats into the house so he could take care of them. As Riley gets older, he is especially good with little kids. He is like a kid-magnet. All the kids gravitate toward Riley and I know it is because they can feel his love for them. Hunter has a special bond with Riley that is heart-warming to see. Riley spent a few days at grandmas house recently and after the third night, Hunter was so upset and told us that he needed his "Liley" to hurry up and get home to him.

I am so proud of the young man that Riley is becoming. He is strong, loving, compassionate, smart, genuine, devoted, brave, and an extremely important part of our family. Thank-you for giving me hugs when you know I need them, and for being the best son a mom could ask for.