Keeping up with four boys is a full time adventure, welcome to a day in the life....
Monday, September 15, 2008
Fun Times At The County Fair.
I have a love/hate relationship with the county fair. The love comes from fond memories of the fair as a little girl, and the hate comes from the harsh reality of present day madness. I remember going to the fair as a little girl and loving every sight, sound, and event that took place. Back then, ride tickets were a quarter, cotton candy was $1.00 and we always ate at the taco booth manned by our church. Back then, my parents could take all ten of us kids and have a grand time even on a very tight budget. Back then, times were more simple. Then as I got older, I loved walking through all the buildings and gathering up candy, fans, popcorn, pens, pencils, trinkets, plastic crosses, note pads, hundreds of business cards, and whatever else was being given away for free. Ride tickets slowly increased to 3/1.00, and cotton candy became $2.00, yet, it was still reasonable. But somehow over the years, insanity has run rampant and my love for the family fair tradition has been turned into downright disgust. Present day ride ticket prices are $1.00 each. Now, that doesn't sound too awful bad, I mean, we have to expect inflation. However, when you consider that it now takes upwards of 3 tickets to ride one ride, simple math dictates that I am spending $3.00 for a 2 minute whirl in the air. Give me a break! And, don't even get me started on the $5.00 cotton candy. But, the thing that sends me completely over the edge and off my rocker is the endless row of GAMES. If there is one thing I despise in the whole world, it is carnie games. Huge stuffed monkeys, giraffes, teddy bears, you name it....all dangling strategically just out of reach. You think that with one pop of a balloon, two knocked over milk bottles, three rings tossed perfectly, an exact guess of your throwing speed, you will be able to win one of those prizes. But no, you get to choose a plastic seahorse necklace made in want to go one more time and upgrade...and then a few dollars more....and just one more time....and a few more dollars.............and 17 upgrades just won a giant stuffed gorilla!!! Despite the fact that you just spent $75.00 *winning* it. Now, this story has no validity. I do not play carnie games, but I see it happening and I can't stand it. I did get suckered in to letting Hunter play the shark fishing game. He fished out a small shark, and we were almost conned into 'upgrading' for 3 more dollars, but I recognized the ploy and quickly picked out a plastic trumpet and got the heck out of there. He didn't care about the toy anyway, he just wanted to fish.
All in all, we had a great time at the fair this year, all except for Hunter's emotional and physical meltdown when I told him no more games. In the slide show, I captured a picture of it. Thank goodness Kieth was there to help. I guess one day he will have to learn the hard way, when he *wins* a pair of fuzzy dice for $50.00. Oh well.
The slide show is pictures from the fair parade and the fair. As I was looking at them, I realized that most of them are of Hunter. The other boys don't like pictures too much anymore. Hunter brought his own candy bag and then sat back while people came up and filled it for him. Riley and Jordan helped him gather up candy in the street also. It was a fun time. Enjoy.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Fall is in the air.

I must say that I love fall. I love the crisp feel of the air, the turning of the leaves, the opportunity to open the windows and enjoy the weather, the smell of gingerbread, eating pumpkin pecan pie and also the Halloween and Thanksgiving holiday's. But, most of all....I love decorating for fall. As you can see, Hunter and I have been busy getting into all of my fall decorations. We are headed to Wal-mart to buy some mums for planting outside, so for now, enjoy the pictures of our home.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Summer Fun at the Lake

Jordan surprised us this summer as well. He has always wore a life jacket until this year. He decided to take it off one day and to our surprise, he swims pretty well. He loved jumping off the back of the boat too. The boys would all have diving and jumping contests to see who could do it the best, craziest, or make the biggest splash. (Winner of biggest splash goes to Kieth) Riley and Dakota are great swimmers as well. They love to have contests to see who can swim to a certain point the fastest. They also like to wear their goggles and dive for things.
As for me, well, I am still afraid of the water. Especially after the snake incident. It happened on one of our last trips to the lake this year. Lesli and I were floating on fun noodles and visiting when we realized that we were pretty far away from the boat. Kieth, Tommy, and all the kids except for Harley (who was with us) were on the boat. Anyway, we were just talking and all of a sudden Lesli looks to her right and staring her in the face is a water snake flickering his tongue! She turns to me and yells SNAKE!! I looked over and sure enough, it was a snake swimming right next to us. At that point we both freaked out and started flailing around like wild house cats and tried to swim towards the boat. We abandoned the fun noodles and swam like we were in the Olympics (well, maybe it wasn't that graceful). We must have looked like idiots because everyone on the boat was laughing hysterically at us. We never stopped screaming until we actually reached the boat and got on. I have never swallowed so much lake water in all my life!! (That happens when you swim and scream at the same time) So much for saving a damsel in distress, by the time we reached the boat, our husbands needed CPR from laughing so much. Needless to say, this event added to my list of reasons to be scared of the lake, what with sharks, dead bodies, human-size catfish, and now anacondas!!! Thankfully, I have a full winter to stifle all my irrational fears because come next year, the kids will be ready to spend another summer at the lake!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
To Bowl or Not to Bowl??

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